Thursday, November 09, 2006

It should make sense

God I must have done something that is
either very good
or very bad

To get I spot I am in now


karakib said...

photo language ...
كل واحد يسقط ما بداخله علي الصوره

Anonymous said...

جميلة جداً
بجد، بجد
سؤال تلقائي.. ومحيّر
معلش، مش لاقية كلام أقوله
ولا أي نقطة أناقشها

صباح الخير

lastknight said...

القهوه الغاليه ( العاليه سابقا)أحيانا رد الفعل الألهى قبل الفعل البشرى .. من باب الأختبار أو الصهر و التنقيه .. و عليه يمكن وضع السؤال بطريقة .. ربى ..ماذا تريدنى أن أفعل فى هذه الدنيا حقا ؟ ماهى المهمه التى تجهزنى لأتمامها ؟ ماهى الراسله التى تريدنى أو أحملها
أعتقد السؤال بهذه الطريقه
will make sense

bluestone said...

فعلا الصورة بتقول كتير

مرورك يكفي
المسألة تدخل الان اعتاب المعضلة

الفارس الاخير
نصيحة عميقة ..ربما الحل الوحيد في الحكمة الالهية التي خفيت عن الحكماء والفهماء .. ربما

Anonymous said...

I've read the post few days ago and I thought a lot about the very short and and very deep words.

And I got the following:

Since you are in the spot, it may be something very bad or something very good, but it diesn't matter because it is something you have done trying to reach the heart of life, and even if it is absolutly bad, it is relatively the best thing you hve ever done.

bluestone said...

(it is something you have done trying to reach the heart of life)a

when I read this sentence I thought someone must hav read my mind ,,as I never thought anyone could undrestand it ,, as I don't myself ,,, I wrote the first thing that ever came to my mind in a very emotional moment ,,, I am in that spot that one could never tell he is wrong or right or whether it's a bless or a curse ,,, and where would it take him .... A spot that when u reach it each step after counts ,,
a spot might be in the heart of life ,,, never thought of that

Thanx a million